Hello March, Let’s BE large!

Hello March, Let’s BE large!

Happy March, blissful you!

March is an impressive month for you to get as large as possible with, and in, your energy. I’m talking about a humongous-ness you haven’t seen of yourself yet–to stretch your energetic essence around the whole world, back, and round again, becoming one with consciousness while at it. 

This, the action and energetic realization, creates the change you want so much.

March is also a renewal month. Things are wildly sprouting underground, but also above ground; you see proof of fertility even as the occasional cold front, snow, or rain storm still have their way of happening by testing the sprouts' growth strength, while also nourishing the new by doing so.

Nature will not be denied. And neither should you.

March’s experience in life is an invitation to become aware of your energy and let it sprout, even though the occasional (or daily) emotional down, life troubles, and chaos leave their mark at times. The point is to not change your energetic identity of being a limitless, larger than large, incredibly possible, and ever changing essence for anything on the physical life level. Instead, this is simply a nudge to stay the happy body of energy that you are living the happiest life you can.

This life-theory starts at knowing that you are most and foremost energy, and by being aware of how large and powerful your energetic you actually is.

You are energy at your smallest core and that energy is an always moving and changing entity, vibrating in different frequencies, sharing and attracting as such. Your energy is limitless, formless, connected with everything; it does whatever it wants, and goes wherever it pleases. 

That’s you, the whirlwind you want to be.

And don’t get me started on size… Your energy is as big as you let it be. You are as big as you let yourself be. You are infinite, and that's totally up to you.

Not to forget the fact that everything, and I mean everything, is energy from the start. So in some sense since it’s all the same, being all one, you are not special. Nothing is. 

It’s all energy, the same energy.

But here’s the kicker-secret, only in energy everything and everyone is the same! In physicality you are one of a kind, unique, and super special. There is nobody else like you. 

It’s like all houses in a region have the same foundation because that is the best and most fitting foundational structure there is for the ground, weather, and circumstances in that region to keep the houses stable, safe, and strong. But the houses that are built on top and out of that foundation are all unique, special, and one of a kind, making the landscape look colorful, diverse, creative, and enjoyable to look at. 

Your foundation is your energy just like it is for everyone and everything too, but what you build on that perfect foundation, or create out of that concrete substance you are at your core, is uniquely and totally up to you. 

Energy is:

  • A mighty and infinitely “everything is possible” essence, so you have the capability to make yourself special and be the most unique you that you can be. Anytime and anywhere!
  • Ever-changing, never the same, and always formable. Can you say “Shape shifter magic?” How are you living such greatness?
  • Not graspable, but that’s super since once you can grasp something it is solid and fixed (not so limitless or changeable anymore) because it has manifested into matter. Just take a table, at its core it is energy (creative freedom) before it manifested into matter, as the table. How are you using this profoundness, are you creating change in your energy first? Or are you trying to change matter - the table - before you contemplate the energy?

In times where physical life is in such uproar and chaos, creating change on your energetic level - before it becomes matter, or before you address the physical matter - is key to a long-lasting healthy, peaceful, happy, and successful life experience. 

Trying to change fixed stuff in physical life without even considering the energy of said thing, person, or situation, is not sustainable over time and will exhaust you to the point of putting your head into the sand, getting meds just to survive, giving up entirely, or fighting like a bear which is also not sustainable over time since you are not a bear but a gorgeous human being.

The physical world as a whole is not in your control. Your energy is–and with that your own personal physical life existence is also in your control.

What do you do next?

Go the energetic route. Learn about your energy. Know your Energetic Profile™. 

There is no other way, or a way around it, if you desire to consistently feel wholesome and happy and live a life you love by creating the change you want no matter what happens in the world. 

My message to you is: you need to go energetic, learn about your energy, and know your Energetic Profile™—because that’s how you can step into the energetic value you carry as a human being, and understand the information that’s there for you in any life situation so you know how to live your physical life from the perspective of being energy first. 

But how?

Ask yourself often during your day: 

  • What energy am I this morning, lunch, afternoon, evening right now? What energy do I want to be right now? What energy aligns with the energy I prefer right now? What food, people, music, words, emotions, actions, and thoughts match the energy I choose to be in right now?
  • Ask yourself every night before bed: What energy am I tonight and what energy do I want to be all night? What energy matches the energy I want to be all night long? What thoughts, meditations, activities, emotions, actions align with my chosen energy?

These amazing questions and answers get you started with sensing your energetic state and choosing better and better, but also it initiates your owning of your energetic power since you choose and can align. 

Do this for 7 days and be prepared for a drastic change in your life. Promise!

Want to do more?

Work with me. I have been reading energy since over 30 years and have been giving Energetic Profiles™ to clients by going deep into the information of their energetic being and the energy of their life situation–for private and business purposes. The solutions and breakthroughs my clients experience are mind-blowing to say the least.

Read my books plus utilize my workbooks and card deck. Learn about your energy from the comfort of your home, during your lunch break in the park, or while out and about in nature. Take them with you as constant companions. Remember, everything is energy, and so are my books and tools–the words, the author (me), the book covers, as well as the designer who made them. 

Imagine flying through your days on a vibrant energetic carpet: that is what happens for you when you work with me and are having my books and tools with you at all times.

So go get March-ed, get large, get energized, and celebrate yourself because by reading this you hit a milestone of excellence!

Your biggest fan

P.S. Homework: Send me a message with how it's going for you and the energetic practices that work for you. I'm always here to help and immensely interested in new ways... 
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